Welcome to the Apple Fire Blight Management Survey!
We are asking you to help us, researchers at Washington State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to learn about your interest in alternative fire blight management strategies on your apple orchards. These include antibiotics and non-antibiotic products such as biopesticides to control fire blight and manage antibiotic resistance. Your opinions are important to us, even if you don’t currently have issues with fire blight control and antibiotic resistance in your orchard. Hearing your views and experience from the field will be very valuable in making our research and recommendations realistic and actionable.
The survey has four sections: Section A includes questions about your orchard, and Section B asks about your current fire blight management and experience with antibiotic resistance. Section C has three choice sets. Each choice set offers a bundle of disease management decisions and their outcomes and asks you to pick a bundle or to keep your current method of disease management. Section D includes questions about your farming experience. The survey will take 15-20 minutes.
Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. Participants should be 18+ years of age and physically present in the United States. You may choose not to take part at all. If you agree to participate, you can withdraw your participation at any time. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share your thoughts and opinions on the survey questions.